SEO Agency For Startups: We Present Our Top Picks For 2024

In this Embarque article, we’ve curated a list of our top SEO agencies for startups. These agencies specialize in significantly improving organic traffic, search engine rankings, and revenue for startups.

Table of Contents

Helpful summary

Overview: In this Embarque article, we’ve curated a list of our top SEO agencies for startups. These agencies specialize in significantly improving organic traffic, search engine rankings, and revenue for startups.

Why you can trust: Our success is evident in our work with startups like UXCam and Stagetimer. For UXCam, we increased monthly organic traffic from around 9,333 to over 17,153, enhancing user engagement and conversions. Similarly, Stagetimer's traffic soared from 40-50 to over 8,838 monthly organic visits due to our SEO-optimized strategies.

Why this is important: Effective SEO is crucial for startups to establish a strong online presence, attract more visitors, and convert them into paying customers, which is essential for revenue growth and brand building.

Action Points: We recommend startups focus on tailored SEO strategies, including keyword research, content creation, and technical optimizations, to improve their online visibility and attract their target audience effectively.

Further Research: To maximize the impact of SEO, startups should continuously update their strategies, stay informed about the latest SEO trends, and adapt to evolving digital landscapes.

Want to find the perfect SEO agency for startups?

Did you know that a well-crafted SEO strategy has the potential to decrease customer acquisition expenses by 60%? This can be a game-changing factor for startups. However, for startups navigating through resource constraints and a million other things on their plate, the challenge lies in finding the time and expertise needed to launch a successful SEO campaign.

At Embarque, we understand the particular demands of startups, offering top-notch SEO services at considerably reduced prices. In this article, we will emphasize the advantages of collaborating with an SEO agency as a startup and present our curated list of SEO agencies worth exploring.

Let's explore further!

Why listen to us?

Embarque's experience with startups demonstrates the profound impact of specialized SEO strategies. Our work with companies like UXCam and Stagetimer showcases this. We helped UXCam 2x its organic traffic, significantly enhancing user engagement and lead generation. For Stagetimer, our strategies resulted in a 3x increase in site visitors per month, establishing a robust online presence. 

These successes underline our ability to tailor SEO approaches to the unique needs of startups, driving significant growth in traffic and conversions.

What is an SEO agency for startups?

An SEO agency for startups is a specialized service designed to help new companies improve their online visibility. These agencies provide a variety of solutions, ranging from keyword research and creation of content to technical optimizations, all tailored to the specific needs of startups.

Embarque is a premium productized content marketing agency that’s helped high-growth tech startups and SaaS businesses scale fast through SEO. Our expertise in integrating various digital marketing and SEO tactics has helped startups establish a strong online presence, enhance brand visibility, and drive growth in competitive digital landscapes. 

For instance, we've driven substantial traffic growth for Stagetimer through a targeted SEO strategy based on systems-based keyword research. This involved creating SEO-optimized content for specific landing page queries, blog posts, and programmatic SEO queries.

The outcome? A remarkable 3x increase in organic traffic, soaring from 40-50 monthly searches to over 8,838 visitors per month. 

This surge in organic traffic also played a pivotal role in boosting Stagetimer's revenue, attracting new users to their website, and driving sign-ups, showcasing the effectiveness of our tailored SEO services for startups.

Why SEO agencies for startups are important?

Tailored strategies

Recognizing the uniqueness of each startup, SEO agencies develop tactics geared to their goals, target audience, and industry. These bespoke techniques ensure that every component of the SEO strategy is in line with the startup's objectives, resulting in a plan of action that not only stands out but also effectively reaches its target audience.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Along with boosting traffic, SEO agencies target conversion through website optimization. This involves maximizing the user experience, increasing website navigation, and strategically placing calls to action. Startups that optimize for conversions attract visitors and turn them into customers, thereby enhancing the impact of their online presence.

For instance, we supercharged UXCam’s organic traffic to more than 17,153 visitors per month from just around 9,333 organic visitors through a new content strategy that targeted commercial, BOFU queries. As a result, UXCam experienced increased user engagement and better lead generation which translated into higher conversions. 

Comprehensive analytics

SEO agencies do more than just implement strategies; they also analyze data. They monitor and analyze website performance, user activity, and keyword effectiveness. This data-driven approach enables startups to make informed decisions while continuously tweaking their web presence for the best results.

Brand authority building

SEO agencies work not just on visibility but also on building brand authority. Through content creation, backlink strategies, and online reputation management, these agencies can elevate a startup's brand image. This authority not only attracts customers but also establishes trust, a key factor in long-term success.

Let’s take a look at our work with Stagetimer and how we increased their website traffic from a mere 40-50 monthly organic searches to more than over 8,838 visitors to the site per month. This exponential increase is fueled by SEO-optimized content revolving around landing page queries, blog posts, and programmatic SEO queries.  

As you can see, the massive increase in organic traffic proved highly beneficial for the company. Our SEO services played a pivotal role in solidifying their brand reputation within their niche, resulting in a remarkable increase in both revenue and signups.

What to look for when choosing an SEO agency for startups

Proven track record

Seek out an agency with a track record of successfully assisting startups in attaining their SEO objectives. Past success is a solid predictor of an agency's capacity to produce tangible results.

Delve into the agency's history. Look for case studies or success stories related to startups. A proven track record demonstrates the agency's ability to translate strategies into tangible results. Moreover, consider if the agency has experience in your niche. Familiarity with the nuances of your industry can significantly impact the effectiveness of their SEO efforts.

At Embarque, we've had several success stories in the SEO agency space, especially in boosting demos and driving more traffic for online startups. Our strategic competitor link building has led to impressive results, such as a remarkable 1,600% YoY revenue increase for MentorCruise in just three years. 

Moreover, our expertise contributed to Flick enjoying a substantial annual traffic boost of 9.6 million visits and a 60-fold increase in traffic for a technical SaaS tool.

These success stories exemplify our commitment to delivering tangible and impactful results for our clients.

Transparent communication

Effective communication is the foundation of any effective collaboration. Choose an agency that promotes openness and keeps you informed about the status of your SEO operations. Regular updates and clear reporting guarantee that you keep informed and understand the impact of the techniques used.

Customization and flexibility

Every startup is unique, with distinct difficulties and ambitions. Choose an agency that understands diversity and can adjust its methods to your startup's specific needs. Look for flexibility in approach, ensuring that the agency can adjust and enhance techniques based on your niche and industry-specific needs.

Our collaboration with Upscribe demonstrates the success of personalized SEO strategies. By tailoring our SEO efforts to their specific niche and audience, Upscribe experienced a 4x increase in organic traffic within 5 months. They went from a low point of 400-500 monthly organic searches to reaching a high of 1,779 organic searches per month in January 2023.

Strategic keyword research

In SEO, keywords are crucial. A top agency should do thorough research on your industry and target audience to ensure your content is relevant and boosts your online presence. They go beyond generic keywords, focusing on industry relevance and understanding user intent for content that connects. Effective keyword research also involves analyzing competitor strategies to refine your approach and gain a competitive edge.

For example, one of our clients suffered free-falling SEO traffic, declining from 41,562 organic searches per month to just about 4,406 search clicks by February 16, 2021. After doing a full-on SEO audit, we discovered that the existing content on the client’s website at the time was sub-par and that the client was focusing on topics outside of their niche.

As such, one aspect of our strategy was to target keywords revolving around two types of content users search for when they look for software programs similar to the client’s: Landing Pages (LPs) and product listicles. With this move, The client’s organic traffic recovered to 20,000 - 25,000 monthly searches by the end of 2022 after starting at 4,000 - 5,000.

Comprehensive service offering

An effective SEO strategy consists of many elements, including on-page optimization, creating content, backlink building, and technical SEO. Confirm that the agency provides a broad portfolio of services to improve your startup's online presence.

10 Best SEO agencies for startups

  1. Embarque
  2. Disruptive Advertising
  3. NextLeft
  4. Hawp Media
  5. BlueHat Marketing Inc.
  6. SEO Locale
  7. SEOTwix
  8. Firestorm SEM
  9. Delante
  10. Incrementors Web Solutions

1. Embarque

Embarque is a productized SEO agency known for delivering premium SEO services at fixed and affordable costs. We have helped numerous bootstrappers and tech startups grow significantly through our SEO services.

Our team emphasizes data-driven processes and transparency, creating high-quality SEO content and using white-hat backlinking outreach tactics to improve organic traffic and drive more revenue. 

Services Offered

2. Disruptive Advertising

Disruptive Advertising is known for offering a range of digital marketing services, including SEO. They aim to drive real SEO growth through data-driven strategies rather than guesswork. Disruptive also specializes in creating strategies and campaign insights to launch brands to new heights, focusing on long-term organic growth and efficient ad spend management.

Services Offered

3. NextLeft

NextLeft is an SEO-focused agency offering a wide range of SEO services designed for various business types, including enterprise businesses, local businesses, ecommerce platforms, and more. The platform provides support in every aspect of SEO, tailoring solutions to fit the specific needs of the business.

Services Offered

4. Hawp Media

Hawp Media is an SEO agency specializing in providing comprehensive digital marketing and SEO services tailored for startups and small businesses. Their expertise lies in delivering a blend of technical SEO, content strategy, and link-building services.  

Services Offered

5. BlueHat Marketing Inc.

BlueHat Marketing Inc. stands out as an SEO agency with a strong focus on serving startups and small to medium-sized businesses. They are renowned for their holistic approach to SEO, combining technical proficiency with creative content strategies. 

Services Offered

6. SEO Locale

SEO Locale is a dynamic SEO agency tailored to meet the digital marketing needs of startups and local businesses. Their service portfolio is comprehensive, covering local SEO, national and international SEO strategies, and eCommerce optimization.

Services Offered

7. SEOTwix

SEOTwix is an SEO agency that specializes in offering a range of SEO services designed to meet the unique needs of startups. Their approach combines comprehensive keyword research, technical SEO optimization, content strategy, and link building, all tailored to enhance the online presence of emerging businesses. 

Services Offered

8. Firestorm SEM

Firestorm SEM is an SEO agency known for its expertise in crafting dynamic SEO strategies that drive tangible results, particularly for startups and small businesses. They offer a comprehensive suite of SEO services, including online competitive analysis, conversion rate optimization, strategic consulting, and a robust lead generation funnel. 

Services Offered

9. Delante

Delante is an international SEO/SEM agency recognized for its KPI-oriented and hands-on approach to SEO, making it particularly suitable for startups. Delante’s strength lies in its ability to develop custom-made optimizations for both on-site and off-site SEO, ensuring that each startup's website not only gains increased visibility but also achieves higher conversion rates. 

Services Offered

10. Incrementors Web Solutions

Incrementors Web Solutions is an SEO agency renowned for its tailored and results-driven approach. They are committed to providing detailed, customized SEO strategies and services that cater to the unique challenges and goals of startups, ensuring not just improved search engine rankings but also substantial business growth.

Services Offered

Wrapping up

With the right SEO partner by your side, you can chart a clear route to increased online visibility and growth. While this article has highlighted some of the best agencies in the field, finding the right fit is a journey in and of itself. 

Embarque understands the challenges that start-ups encounter. We're passionate about providing young businesses like yours with the tools and skills needed to conquer the digital landscape. As you continue on the quest to increase the awareness of your startup, consider collaborating with an industry expert like Embarque. 

Let’s navigate the digital landscape together. Partner with Embarque today!

Julian Canlas

I’m Julian, one of the co-founders of Embarque, which offers productised SEO content marketing services. I’m an SEO content strategist by trade. My line of work involves creating a top-to-bottom SEO content strategy for brands based on their current needs and how well they’re attracting clients through organic search.

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