Our List of the Best SERP Trackers & Monitors (Free + Paid)

Table of Contents

Helpful summary

Overview: Our article discusses the best SERP (Search Engine Results Page) trackers and monitors for monitoring website rankings and SEO campaigns, as well as analyzing competition.

Why you can trust us: We've supported numerous ecommerce businesses in scaling fast by enhancing their organic traffic, improving search engine rankings, and boosting revenue. This track record underpins the credibility of our advice on choosing SERP trackers.

Why this is important: Effective SERP tracking is crucial as 81% of online purchases start with search engine research. Proper monitoring and improvement of SEO can significantly enhance a website's visibility and business reach.

Action points: We recommend evaluating SERP trackers based on criteria like keyword tracking, search engine coverage, detailed reporting, local vs global results, and pricing. Choose one that aligns with your specific business needs and goals.

Further research: Consider exploring more about each recommended SERP tracker to understand its unique features and how it can specifically benefit your business's SEO strategy.

Want to find the best SERP tracker and monitor?

SERP trackers are the best way to properly monitor your website’s rankings, and SEO campaigns and keep an eye on your competition. But let’s take a step back. What are SERP trackers and why are they important? 

A SERP, a search engine results page, is a collection of the results that show up after you make a query with a search engine, such as Google. 

With 81% of online purchases beginning with research on search engines, you must focus on search engine marketing. Monitoring and improving your website’s SEO (search engine optimization) can help increase the probability that your website is shown at the top of the results page, which in turn can allow your business to reach more potential readers and customers

If you are still monitoring your rankings by typing your keywords in Google and then writing down your calculated results, you’re missing out on the huge opportunity that SERP tracking tools have to offer. These trackers can accurately monitor your SERP campaigns and your competition, so you can stay one step ahead.

In this SERP guide, you’ll learn:

Let’s get down to business!

Why listen to us?

Embarque specializes in SEO services, using tools like Ahrefs and Frase for in-depth keyword research and long-term content planning. Our strategies include everything from product-centric content creation to effective backlink strategies, all aimed at boosting discoverability and subscriptions​.

We have propelled companies like MentorCruise to an 800% increase in annual revenue through our SaaS SEO services. 

Our clients, including fast-growing companies like VEED and Riverside, have significantly increased their client base due to our SEO expertise. Another example is SignHouse, which we helped grow from zero to 60,000 monthly organic visitors in just six months

What are SERP trackers, and why are they important

Think of it like this. When organizing a holiday, you can spend hours planning, budgeting, and preparing, or you can go to a travel agency and let someone else sort the details out for you. 

Similarly, SERP trackers are the go-to tools that gather all the information about your rankings in one place and allow you to monitor them quickly and efficiently. Yes, you might need to add a little extra to your budget, but you’ll have the professional results your business needs in less time, which can ultimately save you money in the long run. 

SERP ranking tools guide you every step of the way. Not just by providing stats about your rankings but also by warning you when competitors start getting their rankings up. They can even congratulate you when you’re doing excellent SERP work. In addition, they provide a detailed analysis of your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses so you can immediately set up new strategies and stay ahead.

Although 61% of marketers say they prioritize SEO marketing campaigns, only a few make actual progress with their rankings. So it is no surprise that the lack of proper tools leads to a lack of growth. As discussed in previous posts, SERP tracking software is a one-way street for accurate SEO keyword mapping and global SEO strategies

How to choose the right SERP tracking tools for your business

Let’s break the bad news! No tool does it all. Each tool comes with its pros and cons, and the goal of this article is to help you identify which one is best suited to your needs and end goals. 

When examining SERP tracking tools, it’s essential to consider one of the following criteria based on your goals:

The 5 Best SERP Trackers In 2022

We gathered the five best free and paid SERP monitors for 2022 to help you decide on the best one for your business goals.

Free SERP Trackers

1. Google Search Console

Let’s start with a SERP tracking-free tool to sweeten things up a little bit! Google Search Console helps you measure your search clicks, provides accurate search volume figures via impressions, and gives you a clear image of how Google sees your website. 

And who better to tell you how Google thinks you are performing than Google? This suite can be a great start to SERP monitoring from crawling errors to inspecting and adjusting URL parameters. 

With its search results report, you get a 16-month data analysis of your website in terms of SERP performance. Google Search Console also helps you determine your top-performing pages, the impressions, clicks per keyword, and your low click-through rate web pages, so you know where to improve.



2. SERP Surf

One of the most significant SERP tracking free options is SERP Surf. You can enter up to one domain and five keywords; hit the button and get your SERP results free of charge in seconds. You also get the option to check up to 3 of your competitors and compare their rankings to yours.



3. Whatsmyserp

Whatsmyserp offers a user-friendly and free SERP checker tool designed to simplify the process of analyzing Google search results for multiple keywords. With the ability to check the top 100 search results, this online platform eliminates the need for downloads or installations.

Understanding that Google search results can vary based on factors like geo-location, device type, and Google TLD, Whatsmyserp provides a comprehensive approach to ensure accurate insights. For instance, a search for the same keyword on a mobile device might yield different results than on a desktop computer.

Created by search engine marketers and website owners who understand the challenges of monitoring website positions, Whatsmyserp streamlines the process. No more tedious tasks of sifting through countless search results or running searches on different devices to gauge website ranking on Google.



4. SpySERP

SpySERP stands out as a versatile and free SERP tracker tool designed for comprehensive SEO and competitor research. With its user-friendly interface and multifunctional capabilities, the platform empowers users to gain valuable insights into their website's performance and strategically assess competitors in the digital landscape.

SpySERP lets you stay informed about your website's SEO growth by tracking its positions on search engines daily. The platform's intuitive design facilitates easy navigation and data interpretation. You can gain a competitive edge by adding an unlimited number of competitors to the platform – track their positions, compare data for any period, and delve into detailed analyses of each domain.

 Its array of features, user-friendly design, and collaborative capabilities make it a versatile choice for anyone looking to enhance their online presence and stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape.



Paid SERP Trackers

5. SEO Scout 

With this SERP tracking tool, you get the big picture of all the keywords that bring traffic to your website, and you’re able to group them based on relevance. By connecting it to your Search Console, you get daily updates on your performance and actionable insights on your position in rankings.

You can opt for a 7-day free trial to test all the features and then upgrade to a $49 monthly plan that offers up to 20 reports per day and more than 250 keywords per report.



6. Semrush

Semrush is a great tool that’s been fighting with Ahrefs to dominate the SERP tool marketplace. With more than 1.8 billion users worldwide, I’m sure you’ve heard about this tool or even tested it for yourself. 

Semrush is unique because it hosts a variety of features, with SERP tracking being one of them. Notably, it can connect with GSC and Google Analytics for additional insights.

It offers detailed competitor analysis, local SEO reports, SEO site auditing, and even social media tracking. It also facilitates monitoring different devices and locations in one project, making it your go-to mobile SERP monitor. 

Of course, all of these features come with a hefty price tag, with Semrush prices ranging from $119 to $449 monthly.



7. Ahrefs

Ahrefs SEO suite is one of the best SERP rank trackers out there. There is not much it can’t do! This is the ultimate SEO tool for site audits, keyword research, content exploration, and rank tracking. 

You can opt for a seven-day trial for only $7 and then proceed to a paid version of the tool to have a more structured working method. 

However, keep in mind that Ahrefs is on the pricey side of SERP trackers, with prices starting from $99 monthly for lite packages, $179 for standard packages, and going up to $999 monthly for agency packages.



8. SERPWoo

SERPWoo, a pioneer in the field of SERP tracking, offers a unique birds-eye view of Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). As the creators of the world's first SERP tracker, SERPWoo has consistently been at the forefront of providing essential insights for businesses engaged in SEO and Online Reputation Management (ORM) campaigns.

Renowned as the best rank-tracking software, SERPWoo handles millions of data points daily. This wealth of data empowers businesses to make informed and effective decisions for their online marketing strategies. 

The platform's supreme capabilities become evident as you can experience the full SERP results, allowing you to track your data with precision.



9. SerpWatch

SerpWatch distinguishes itself as a free SERP tracker tool with a unique and valuable feature – completely customizable notifications. This tool allows users to effortlessly set up rule-based notifications for crucial keyword changes, ensuring that you stay informed through both Slack and email.

In the event of any disparities, SerpWatch's dedicated development team is promptly notified, ready to address and rectify the issue. This commitment to accuracy and responsiveness sets SerpWatch apart as a reliable SERP tracking tool that not only keeps you informed but also ensures the precision of your ranking data.

For users seeking a comprehensive and trustworthy solution to monitor keyword rankings, SerpWatch stands out as a tool that goes beyond conventional tracking by providing customizable notifications and visual confirmation of ranking accuracy through high-resolution screenshots.



10. SE Ranking

SE Ranking, a powerful and free SERP tracker tool, offers users extensive insights into keyword positions with exceptional accuracy across major search engines. Designed to cater to both individual website owners and SEO professionals serving clients, SE Ranking goes beyond conventional tracking to deliver unique datasets and efficient reporting, adding significant value to your SEO efforts.

One notable feature is the ability to track competitors' keywords, providing a valuable benchmark for understanding your website's performance compared to others in your industry. This competitive analysis allows you to see how your website stacks up against the competition, offering strategic insights for optimization.

Efficiency is a key aspect of SE Ranking, allowing users to group and tag keywords for easy analysis. The platform also enables users to leave notes, facilitating a deeper understanding of correlations between optimization efforts and ranking dynamics. 




So, now you have a clear idea of the best SERP trackers on the market in 2022 and maybe you have chosen which SERP tracking tool to try. However, this can be an important choice as 75% of users scrolling through the web never make it past the first page of the search results. Therefore, investing in a SERP tracking tool is necessary if you want to scale your business organically. 

When deciding on your preferred SERP tool, always keep in mind the criteria we listed and ensure your tool is accurate and efficient for your SEO efforts.

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