Our Comprehensive Guide on SEO Keyword Mapping: How We Do It, and Tools & Templates

Table of Contents

Helpful summary

Overview: We at Embarque have analyzed the importance of SEO keyword mapping, a process essential for structuring a website's content to improve search engine rankings and user experience.

Why you can trust us: Our credibility in growing small businesses through SEO is backed by case studies, like Cleanvoice, where we effectively conducted SEO keyword mapping that led to a 300% increase in their monthly recurring revenue (MRR), showcasing our ability to deliver tangible SEO results.

Why this is important: Effective SEO keyword mapping is crucial for aligning website content with user search intent, improving search visibility, and avoiding content duplication. It ensures that each page targets the most relevant keywords, enhancing the website's overall SEO performance.

Action Points: We recommend businesses to invest in SEO keyword mapping to ensure content is optimized for the right keywords, enhancing search engine visibility and user engagement.

Further Research: Businesses should explore advanced SEO tools and techniques for keyword analysis and mapping, and study industry-specific keyword trends for deeper insights into optimizing their content.

Need help in SEO keyword mapping?

You might have heard about SEO keyword mapping and its huge importance to successful on-page SEO projects. But what is keyword mapping and why you should include it in your SEO workflow?

If you’re an SEO junky, keywords are probably your second nature by now. Although we love good keyword research, there is something more important for ranking: organizing your relevant keywords and matching them with the right pages of your website.

Mark Jenkins, a famous American artist once said: “Planning a journey without a map is like building a house without drawings.” Translating this to SEO, gathering keywords with no proper mapping will keep your website irrelevant.

At Embarque, we’ll delve into SEO keyword mapping. In this article you’ll learn:

Let’s get to business!

Why listen to us about SEO keyword mapping?

Understanding semantically related keywords is a key part of keyword research and modern SEO. At Embarque, we often emphasize their importance in communicating effectively with search algorithms. 

These keywords, also known as LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords, are crucial for aligning content with user search intent. Using them correctly enhances content relevance and search engine visibility, a strategy we consistently apply to aid startups and online businesses in boosting their traffic​​. Check out how we helped Valheim Server Hosting gain relevant search traffic & $35,000 in revenue in less than five months!

Keyword mapping: what is it, who is it for, and why is it important?

SEO keyword mapping is the process of grouping together relevant target keywords and assigning them to a website’s landing pages. So, basically showing up for the right keywords with the right pages.

Keyword research is not enough for a well-structured website. The keyword mapping framework allows search engines to determine the relevance of each page and provide users with the most accurate results. 

With Google’s algorithm getting smarter by the day, search intent is the key focus of today’s search engines. If you answer the users’ search intent, you’ll get the rankings, the traffic, and the sales. It’s as simple as that.

SEO keyword mapping gets the extra credits for keeping your organic results high, as focusing only on your target keyword will not do you any good. That’s why it’s super important to dive into the kind of content that satisfies the needs of a person searching.

Who is it for?

Keyword mapping tools are invaluable for a variety of individuals and professionals involved in the digital landscape. Here's a breakdown of who can benefit the most from incorporating keyword mapping tools into their SEO strategy:

What are the benefits of SEO keyword mapping?

It’s proven that companies that use SEO keyword mapping decrease the difficulty of their content marketers’ jobs by at least 500%! When you avoid spreading your keywords randomly on a website, and actually invest in creating compelling content that answers your users’ questions, you have no way but up.

SEO keyword mapping is a reason to celebrate as it helps you:

How to do keyword mapping for your website

Okay, so now you know what is keyword mapping and its benefits to your overall SEO strategy. There is still one issue: how to do keyword mapping. Seriously, where do you start?

Here is your step-by-step guide on how to implement keyword mapping:

1. Search for new keywords

You want to start with keyword research in order to gather as many relevant keywords as possible. For discovering new keywords there are many excellent keyword mapping tools such as Google Search Console (to optimize for keywords you already rank for), Ubersuggest, Semrush, Ahrefs, or even Google Analytics. 

Let’s use Ubersuggest for our example. Enter your target keyword in the search bar - let’s say “candles” - and click on the “Related” tab. You’ll come across over 154.995 results for this query, but to keep things simple, we’ll export only the first 50 keywords. 

Export them as a CSV and immediately sort them out based on volume and SEO difficulty. Scores lower than 30% indicate low search difficulty, 30% to 70% moderate difficulty, and 70% or higher, high SEO difficulty. Your spreadsheet should look like this:

2. Search for keywords your website is already ranking for

What you want to do next is identify the keywords that already bring traffic to your website. This keyword database is vital for your SEO keyword mapping process.

You can do that by using keyword mapping tools such as SEO Scout, SEO monitor, SEMrush, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, or Rank Tracker. Let’s continue with our previous example by monitoring a candle website with Rank Tracker. 

We will start a new project, add our chosen URL and choose the “Ranking Keywords” feature. Rank Tracker will then proceed to present the list of all the keywords that our website is ranking for. Once identified, we get 9 more keyword research options to find gaps, related searches, or keyword combinations.

Now that we’ve identified our ranking keywords, we can even enter our competitors’ websites and check their target keywords in Google Search results. The possibilities are endless!

You can export this list as a CSV file, or enrich the list you’ve already created. You’ve now made your first steps to SEO keyword mapping.

3. Group the keywords with relevant topics

The way you want to go about this is to focus once again on search intent. Your criteria should be what keywords answer to the same questions. What keywords are relevant enough to be grouped and assigned to the same unique landing page. 

In our example with candles, we observe that the keywords “soy wax candles”, “soy candle wax” and “buy soy candle wax” are quite similar to each other and should be grouped together and assigned to a landing page relevant to soy wax candles. 

To make things easier for you, we suggest you utilize the “Keyword Map” feature inside the Rank Tracker tool. You automatically have your keywords grouped together by topic and you can opt to display them by the level of their semantic similarity. 

You ideally want 5 keywords per group and all of them being synonyms or different versions of the same thing. It requires a lot of manual work, but with the automation the Rack Tracker offers, you’re one step ahead. Your groups should look like this:

4. Narrow your keywords down based on search intent

Okay, so you grouped your relevant keywords, now what?

You’ll notice that although the grouped keywords are relevant to each other, they don’t have the same intent. The keywords’ search intent comes down to 4 categories:

In our example, we observe that the keyword group “candle making” has 5 keywords of which 3 are transactional, 1 is informational and 1 is navigational. So what we want to do, is separate the transactional keywords, either by right-clicking and adding the keywords to a new group or by moving them to another existing group.

As for the informational keyword “make your candles”, we can add it to a new group named “candle-making blogs”. The same goes for the navigational keyword as well, which is basically the name of the brand.

By following this process, you will have a clear organization of your target keywords and an overview of new content opportunities.

5. Assign your grouped keywords to your landing pages

After all this preparation, it’s time to do the actual keyword mapping. You want to assign your grouped keywords to your different landing pages so that they are relevant and unique. In the Rank Tracker, simply right-click on your preferred group and choose “Assign Selected Keywords to Landing Page”.

Once you assign your grouped keywords to your pages, it’s time to (re) consider your URLs. It’s wise to focus on using your set of keywords in your URLs, to create useful paths for users and search engines. For example, for an informational candle-making group of keywords, you can create a relevant URL that focuses on: /how-to-candle-making.

A great thing about SEO keyword mapping is that it allows you to think of your website as a theme park. You get to distinguish which keywords should be used for the same page and which should be kept for other SEO content uses, such as blog posts or downloadable assets. 

A great practice is to keep the keywords that have high SEO difficulty - 70% or higher - for content marketing campaigns, in order to avoid losing your resources in the rankings.

You might ask, what should I consider when assigning bucket keywords to pages? We got you covered! The top 3 tips to consider are:

6. Optimize your pages to your assigned keywords

The essence of SEO keyword mapping is actually optimizing your overall on-page SEO strategy. When you get everything done, the most important step is to actually optimize your pages to your mapped keywords. 

Double-check how many times your keywords are used in specific pages, what topics are being covered, what are the gaps and the keyword overlaps, what needs to be added in terms of meta tags and headings. The more detailed you are, the better your rankings will be.

Best SEO keyword mapping tools

1. Ahrefs

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer is a comprehensive keyword research tool that can be used to identify and analyze potential keywords for your website. It has a large database of keywords, and it can provide data for different countries and search engines. This makes it a valuable tool for SEO professionals who want to target their content to the right audience.

2. Semrush

The Semrush Keyword Magic Tool helps you find millions of keyword suggestions for your SEO. It also provides important SEO metrics for each keyword, such as search volume, competition level, and cost-per-click. You can save your keyword research in one place, which makes it easy to track your progress and identify trends.

3. Moz

Moz is an SEO software company that offers a variety of tools to help businesses improve their online presence. 

Moz's Keyword Explorer is a great option for businesses looking to improve their SEO. It allows you to research and identify relevant keywords, track your keyword rankings over time, and create targeted SEO campaigns. The tool provides a wealth of data and insights that can help businesses improve their online visibility.

4. AudienceKey

Audience Key is a content strategy platform that helps you create and optimize content for your website. It provides tools for keyword mapping, content brief creation, and rank reporting.

The platform provides you with a variety of tools to help you identify the right keywords to target for your website. This includes a keyword research tool, a keyword difficulty tool, and a keyword tracking tool.

5. SE Ranking

SE Ranking is a comprehensive SEO platform that offers a variety of tools to help you improve your website's ranking in search results. 

Their Keyword Research tool allows you to research and identify relevant keywords that you can target in your content. The tool also provides data on the competition for each keyword, so you can choose keywords that are likely to be profitable.

SEO keyword mapping best practices

Keyword mapping is a crucial aspect of SEO strategy, and implementing best practices can significantly enhance its effectiveness. Here are some key best practices in keyword mapping:

Use our keyword mapping template

SEO keyword mapping is a quite demanding process that requires continuous work and continuous search. You don’t just do it once and you consider it done forever. It’s a perpetual movement that if done correctly, is very rewarding. this is essential for SaaS companies as well. That is why Embarque is the best SaaS SEO agency to choose from.

With this guide, you have a clear image of what is keyword mapping and why you should use it in your complete SEO strategy.

Now it’s your turn! Start implementing everything you learned on your own website! To help you get started, we prepared an easy keyword map template to replicate inside your preferred tool. Click here to download it.

Here's a walkthrough of what each column means in this keyword mapping template.

Happy rankings!

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