Here’s Our Curated List of the Best Ecommerce SEO Agencies in 2024

We explore agencies that are experts in ecommerce SEO, helping online businesses scale rapidly by improving their organic traffic, search engine rankings, and ultimately increasing revenue.

Table of Contents

Helpful summary

Overview: We explore agencies that are experts in ecommerce SEO, helping online businesses scale rapidly by improving their organic traffic, search engine rankings, and ultimately increasing revenue.

Why you can trust us: Our expertise is exemplified in our work with clients like MentorCruise, where we elevated their search traffic to over 2 million annual visits, and UXCam, doubling their monthly visitors to over 17,153. These successes demonstrate our proficiency in effectively applying SEO strategies to drive significant growth and revenue for ecommerce businesses.

Why this is important: Effective SEO is critical for ecommerce businesses to stand out in a competitive digital marketplace, ensuring their target audience discovers them and converts into customers, which is key to revenue growth.

Action Points: Ecommerce businesses should focus on implementing comprehensive SEO strategies, including optimizing product-centric content, targeting purchase-intent keywords, and engaging in strategic link building.

Further Research: To maximize SEO benefits, ecommerce businesses should continuously update their strategies and stay informed about the latest SEO trends and algorithms.

Want to find the perfect ecommerce SEO agency?

Imagine putting your all into an online business, curating a lineup of perfect products, only to be met with digital silence. The frustration of being virtually invisible on the vast internet is a shared struggle for many ecommerce entrepreneurs. It's not just about having a great product–it's about ensuring your target audience can discover you amid the online clutter. That’s where the role of a competent ecommerce SEO agency becomes a game-changer.

At Embarque, with our expertise in digital marketing, understand the intricacies of SEO and the importance of having a great online presence. So, in this article, we're drawing on our insights to bring you a carefully vetted list of the best ecommerce SEO agencies, along with the things you need to consider when choosing which agency to go for. 

Why listen to us?

At Embarque, we excel in driving ecommerce success through tailored SEO strategies, as exemplified by our numerous case studies and client success stories. Our team's expertise has enabled startups and small businesses to significantly enhance their online visibility and drive revenue growth. By focusing on optimizing product pages, improving site structure, and implementing targeted keyword research, we've consistently achieved higher search rankings for our clients, leading to increased traffic and sales.

What is an ecommerce SEO agency?

An ecommerce SEO agency is a specialized service provider committed to improving the online visibility of businesses in the digital marketplace. Their main focus is strategically optimizing various elements of an online store, aiming to secure higher positions in search engine results pages (SERPs).

To achieve this, these agencies employ diverse techniques such as strategic keyword research, on-page optimization, backlinks, and SEO content writing that are aligned with both user intent and search engine algorithms. Through these measures, ecommerce SEO agencies strive to enhance the discoverability of businesses for users actively seeking relevant products or services.

At Embarque, we go beyond keyword optimization for product listings, building premium backlinks, and technical SEO to rank higher in SERPs. We ensure that each piece of SEO content we create is product-centric and guaranteed to generate organic traffic. This organic traffic, stemming from users genuinely interested in the offered products or services, carries the potential to significantly amplify sales for your ecommerce business. 

Why ecommerce SEO agencies are important

Increased visibility

Ecommerce SEO agencies specialize in strategies to boost your online visibility. This means optimizing your website to secure higher rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher your ranking, the more likely potential customers are to discover your business when conducting relevant searches. This heightened visibility is crucial for ecommerce businesses, especially in a highly competitive industry. 

This is perfectly exemplified by our work with MentorCruise. Before we stepped in, MentorCruise struggled with suboptimal search rankings and limited online visibility due to the absence of an effective SEO strategy. However, with our comprehensive SEO services—including finding low-competition, high-volume keywords, and creating content for diverse customer segments—we successfully increased their search traffic. 

Today, MentorCruise experiences over 2 million visits annually, achieving a remarkable year-on-year growth of 1,600% over three years as our client. Additionally, they have seen a notable increase of 1,000% in monthly trials in recent months due to their increased visibility and online presence.

Enhanced user experience

Ecommerce SEO agencies go beyond visibility by optimizing your website's structure and content. A well-optimized site contributes to a smoother and more enjoyable user experience. This involves improving site navigation, ensuring faster loading times, and organizing content in a user-friendly manner. The goal is to make it easy for visitors to find what they're looking for and improve site loading speed to rank higher in search results.

Imagine a scenario where a coffee enthusiast is searching for a specific artisanal coffee blend in your online store. With strategic optimization by an ecommerce SEO agency, your website is thoughtfully structured. This ensures that the customer can effortlessly browse through categories like "Single-Origin Blends" or "Roast Intensity," quickly finding their desired coffee blend.

Competitive edge

In the fiercely competitive online marketplace, a robust digital presence is essential. Ecommerce SEO agencies provide businesses with the tools necessary to gain a competitive edge. This involves strategic optimization that not only improves search rankings but also positions your business favorably against competitors. By staying ahead in online visibility, you increase your chances of attracting potential customers before they explore alternatives.

Imagine your business sells handmade, eco-friendly products. With the right SEO strategies, your online store can stand out in search results for relevant terms like "sustainable gifts." This ensures that environmentally conscious consumers are more likely to discover your products first, giving you a competitive advantage in a market where differentiation is crucial.

Targeted traffic

Ecommerce SEO agencies focus on attracting targeted traffic to your online store. This means directing users who are actively searching for products or services similar to yours. By optimizing for relevant keywords and understanding user intent, these agencies help ensure that the traffic you receive is more likely to convert into actual customers. This targeted approach is crucial for maximizing the efficiency of your online presence.

Let’s take a look at our work with UXCam, for instance. Before partnering with Embarque, their content was plagued by poor writing quality and lacked a clear strategy for driving traffic and generating leads. As a result, engagement and lead generation rates remained disappointingly low.

So,  at the start of the project, we created a new content strategy that focused on targeting commercial queries, driving lead generation, and creating “product-led” content. 

The results were amazing. UXCam used to get around 9,333 organic visitors per month, but now they have more than doubled to over 17,153 visitors each month. This increased traffic not only improved their visibility but also boosted lead generation, conversions, and revenue.

Content relevance and quality

Beyond keywords, content plays a pivotal role in SEO. Ecommerce SEO agencies focus on creating relevant and high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. This involves crafting informative product descriptions, engaging blog posts, and other content that not only attracts search engines but also provides value to your site visitors.

Picture a scenario where your online electronics store provides detailed product descriptions and guides on choosing the right gadgets. An ecommerce SEO agency ensures that your content is not only rich in keywords but also genuinely helpful for customers. This focus on relevance and quality can improve your site's authority, making it a go-to resource for those seeking information before making a purchase.

Criteria for choosing the best ecommerce SEO agency

Customized strategies

The one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work in SEO. Look for agencies that offer customized strategies tailored to your specific business needs. Effective SEO involves understanding the unique aspects of your business, target audience, and industry. A focus on customization ensures that the strategies implemented align with your business objectives, maximizing their impact.

Take Upscribe, a Shopify subscription management app, for example. This client of ours faced slow traffic growth and challenges in attracting new users. Despite positive reviews, organic traffic stayed around 400-500 monthly searches from 2021 to 2022. 

To remedy this, our team created a tailored SEO strategy, identifying topics, discovering high-performing keywords, and crafting quality content relevant to their niche and target audience. The results were remarkable—Upscribe's organic searches jumped from 400-500 to 1,779 per month in just 5 months, highlighting the impact of a customized and tailored SEO strategy.

Transparent reporting

Opt for agencies that prioritize transparency in reporting. Clear and straightforward reporting on the outcomes of SEO efforts is crucial for understanding the impact on your business. This includes insights into key performance indicators, changes in search rankings, and the effectiveness of implemented strategies. Transparent reporting allows you to make informed decisions and gauge the success of your SEO investment.

Technical proficiency

Assess the agency's technical proficiency in handling the intricacies of website optimization. This includes knowledge of website architecture, crawlability, and indexability. A technically proficient agency can identify and address issues that might hinder search engine performance, ensuring that your website is optimized for maximum visibility.

Adaptability to industry trends

The digital landscape is dynamic, with SEO trends evolving regularly. Choose an agency that demonstrates adaptability to industry trends. This involves staying informed about algorithm updates, changes in user behavior, and emerging technologies. An agency that can adjust strategies in response to evolving trends ensures that your business remains competitive in the ever-changing online environment.

Effective communication

Effective communication is crucial in a successful client-agency relationship. Look for agencies that communicate clearly and regularly about their strategies, progress, and any challenges faced. This includes responsiveness to queries and providing explanations in a way that is easy to understand. Effective communication fosters collaboration and ensures that you are kept informed throughout the SEO process.

Comprehensive keyword research

Keyword research is the foundation of effective SEO. A reliable agency conducts comprehensive keyword research to identify the terms and phrases relevant to your business. This involves understanding user intent, assessing keyword competitiveness, and selecting targeted keywords that align with your business goals. Comprehensive keyword research forms the basis for successful SEO strategies.

Link building strategies

Evaluate the agency's approach to link building, a critical aspect of ecommerce SEO. Effective link-building involves acquiring high-quality, relevant backlinks to your website. A reputable agency employs ethical and strategic link-building practices, focusing on quality rather than quantity. Strong link-building strategies contribute to your website's authority and trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines.

At Embarque, we successfully increased our client's website's organic traffic by 60x in just a year, boosting it from a mere 27 visitors per month to an impressive 7,495 organic searches. 

This was made possible by our team’s combined efforts in creating a comprehensive link building strategy that focused on three core principles:

10 best ecommerce SEO agencies in 2024

  1. Embarque
  2. Disruptive Advertising
  3. Nuanced Media
  4. Thrive Internet Marketing Agency
  5. Moburst
  6. The SEO Works
  7. SmartSites
  8. Directive Consulting
  9. NinjaPromo
  10. Ignite Visibility

1. Embarque

Embarque is a productized SEO agency specializing in content marketing and SEO services. With a focus on data-driven and transparent processes, we cater to a wide range of businesses, offering an affordable and effective solution for all SEO needs. 

We offer strategic SEO planning and content services tailored for ecommerce, focusing on product-centric content and targeting purchase-intent keywords through optimized landing pages.

Services Offered

2. Disruptive Advertising

Disruptive Advertising is a performance marketing agency that combines authenticity with a results-driven approach. They offer a wide range of digital marketing services, including SEO, PPC, social media management, and content creation. 

Services Offered

3. Nuanced Media

Nuanced Media is an Amazon Marketing Agency founded in 2010. They specialize in a range of ecommerce marketing strategies, including Amazon SEO, PPC management, and comprehensive Amazon account management. Nuanced Media's approach focuses on a holistic growth strategy, maximizing both Amazon and other ecommerce platform potentials.

Services Offered

4. Thrive Internet Marketing Agency

Thrive Internet Marketing Agency is a full-service digital marketing agency offering comprehensive SEO solutions. With a global presence, they provide a range of online marketing tactics including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) ads, Amazon store optimization, and web design and development for ecommerce and B2B companies.

Services Offered

5. Moburst

Moburst is a full-service digital agency offering a comprehensive suite of SEO services. They specialize in providing strategies that generate relevant traffic and business growth. Their approach includes a mix of technical and creative expertise, ensuring high performance in search engine rankings.

Services Offered

6. The SEO Works

The SEO Works is an award-winning digital marketing agency specializing in SEO services for a diverse range of industries. They focus on delivering real, measurable results for businesses, leveraging data-driven insights and technical expertise.

Services Offered

7. SmartSites

SmartSites is a full-service digital marketing agency known for its expertise in ecommerce SEO. They focus on making online businesses more visible on search engine results pages, utilizing strategies that enhance the user experience and optimize various elements such as product descriptions, headlines, metadata, and internal link structure. 

Services Offered

8. Directive Consulting

Directive Consulting is a performance marketing agency specializing in tech brands. They have developed the Customer Generation marketing methodology, focusing on a customer-centric approach. Directive Consulting offers a range of services including SEO consulting, PPC advertising, website design, content marketing, and conversion rate optimization (CRO). 

Services Offered

9. NinjaPromo

NinjaPromo is a global, full-service digital marketing agency with a strong focus on B2B, software, blockchain, gaming, and FinTech industries. They adopt a performance-focused, holistic approach to marketing, using the right combination of channels and strategies to achieve measurable results. 

Services Offered

10. Ignite Visibility

Ignite Visibility is a well-known marketing agency with a comprehensive approach to digital strategy. They are recognized for their expertise in SEO, paid media, social media, creative, email marketing, and more. Ignite Visibility focuses on providing high levels of customer service and establishing long-term relationships with clients. 

Services Offered

Final thoughts

An effective ecommerce SEO agency is crucial for the success of an online store. They contribute significantly to tasks such as improving visibility, optimizing user experience, gaining a competitive advantage, driving specific traffic, and maintaining content relevance and quality. Selecting an agency based on the mentioned criteria means investing in a partnership that can result in measurable and lasting success for your ecommerce business.

If you're ready to elevate your online business and want a trusted guide to lead you through the intricate world of ecommerce SEO, Embarque is here to help. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing practical SEO strategies tailored to your specific business requirements. 

Check out our website to see how our services can boost the visibility and growth of your online store.

Julian Canlas

I’m Julian, one of the co-founders of Embarque, which offers productised SEO content marketing services. I’m an SEO content strategist by trade. My line of work involves creating a top-to-bottom SEO content strategy for brands based on their current needs and how well they’re attracting clients through organic search.

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