Our Webflow Review: Creating A Website That Earns +$100,000 Annually

We explored Webflow's capabilities for building websites that generate significant revenue. Our focus is on how Webflow's features and user-friendly platform contribute to the creation of professional, SEO-optimized websites.

Table of Contents

Helpful summary

Overview: We explored Webflow's capabilities for building websites that generate significant revenue. Our focus is on how Webflow's features and user-friendly platform contribute to the creation of professional, SEO-optimized websites.

Why you can trust us: We have firsthand experience using Webflow to create our website, Embarque. This practical experience provides us with genuine insights into the platform's capabilities and benefits.

Why this is important: Using Webflow for website creation is important due to its ease of use, customization options, and SEO tools. These features empower users to create professional, responsive websites that can drive business success and generate substantial income.

Action points: We recommend using Webflow to create and optimize websites for different devices, integrate essential marketing tools, and utilize its CMS and SEO features for maximum online visibility and revenue potential.

Further research: To complement your learning, explore Webflow’s advanced features, and consider its integration with marketing and analytics tools for deeper insights into website performance.

Breaking down our Webflow experience

With over 3.5 million active monthly users, Webflow isn’t just a platform–it’s a bustling metropolis where creativity meets commerce. Imagine a city where every website is a shop, and the streets are lined with digital gold.

But here's the kicker: In the first half of 2023 alone, 2,093 new ecommerce websites popped up all thanks to Webflow​​. And we're not just talking about tiny digital lemonade stands. These sites are more like sophisticated boutiques, with Webflow's sleek design tools as the chic interior décor.

Now, let's talk about growth. Picture a graph that's so exciting, that it's practically jumping off the page! Webflow’s Twitter following skyrocketed by a whopping 1004.1% in just three months of 2023, because who doesn't love success?

And it's not just about the numbers. It's about reach. With users in over 190 countries, Webflow is like the United Nations of CMSs.

But wait, there's more! Webflow isn’t just a tool–it's a canvas for your digital dreams. With its user-friendly interface, even those who couldn't tell HTML from a ham sandwich can create stunning websites that are not just visually appealing but are SEO ninjas, too!

So, whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business mogul, Webflow is your ticket to the digital big leagues. It’s where websites are not just built, they’re born to thrive!

Why should you trust us? Well, we’ve used Webflow.

At Embarque, we don't just talk about Webflow–we've actually used it to build our own website. This hands-on experience gives us practical insights into using Webflow effectively. Our review can help you navigate its features, from using its powerful web design tools to customizing it for your brand.

We focus on real-world applications, making sure your Webflow site looks good and works well in search rankings and functionality.

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a comprehensive website-building platform that merges design, development, and hosting services. It's known for its visual editor, enabling users to create custom, responsive websites without coding. 

The platform caters to a broad audience, from beginners to professional designers, and provides advanced design capabilities, real-time previews, and collaboration tools. Its approach to website creation emphasizes visual development, allowing for direct manipulation of design elements and layout, which facilitates a more intuitive and efficient design process.

Webflow pricing

Webflow's pricing structure is flexible, offering a range of plans from basic options ideal for small projects to comprehensive plans suited for large-scale businesses and ecommerce platforms. The pricing varies based on the level of functionality required, hosting preferences, and the scale of the project, providing options for both individual and enterprise users.

Different features Webflow has

Webflow offers several features that are particularly beneficial for creating websites that can generate income. Here are some important features, along with an elaboration on how each can contribute to earning through websites:

Customizable templates

Webflow provides a wide range of customizable templates, which can be a starting point for creating unique and professional websites. This feature is particularly useful for users who want to quickly launch a site with a polished look, catering to various niches and industries. Customizable templates can significantly reduce the time and effort required to design a website from scratch, allowing for quicker deployment and monetization.

Responsive web design

With Webflow, websites are automatically responsive, meaning they work well on a variety of devices and screen sizes. This is crucial in today's mobile-dominated internet usage. It ensures a wider reach and a better user experience, which can lead to higher engagement rates and, consequently, better monetization potential.

CMS (Content Management System)

The CMS feature allows users to easily manage and update website content, including blog posts, news articles, and product listings. A robust CMS is vital for keeping website content fresh and engaging, which can improve search engine rankings, attract more visitors, and increase potential revenue opportunities through advertising or affiliate marketing.

SEO tools

Search engine optimization (SEO) tools provided by Webflow help in optimizing website content to rank higher in search engine results. Effective SEO increases website visibility, drives organic traffic, and is essential for any monetization strategy, whether it's through ecommerce, lead generation, or content marketing.

These features make Webflow a strong choice for building websites that perform well in search engine rankings​​​​​​.

Integrations with marketing and analytics tools

Webflow allows integration with various marketing tools and analytics platforms. These integrations are crucial for understanding user behavior, tracking website performance, and optimizing marketing strategies. Data-driven insights can help in fine-tuning the website for better user engagement, lead conversion, and revenue generation.

Custom code and advanced customization

For more technical users, Webflow offers the option to insert custom code, allowing for advanced customization and functionality. This feature is particularly beneficial for creating unique features or integrations that can set your website apart from competitors, potentially leading to higher income through unique selling propositions or enhanced user experiences.

Each of these features plays a role in building a website that not only looks professional and aligns with your business goals but also possesses the functionalities necessary to generate and maximize your revenue.

What is Webflow mainly used for? 

Responsive website design

Webflow is great for making websites that work well on computers, phones, and tablets. It's like a tool that helps you design a website easily, without needing to know a lot about coding. This means you can make websites that look good and work well on any device.

Custom design and editing

Webflow is flexible when it comes to designing your website. You can change almost everything to make it look exactly how you want. It's different from other website builders because it lets you move things around and change them until they're just right, all with easy drag-and-drop actions.

Content Management System (CMS)

Webflow has a special feature for organizing and managing the content on your website. This is super useful if your website has a lot of articles, blogs, or different pages. It helps you set up your content in a way that's easy to manage, and you don't need to know how to code to do it.

Ecommerce functionality

If you want to sell products on your website, Webflow has tools for that too. It lets you set up an online store the way you want, with cool features like different ways to show your products, custom checkout processes, and various payment options. This is great for anyone who wants to start an online shop.

Hosting services

Apart from helping you design and build your website, Webflow also takes care of putting your website on the internet. It offers fast and secure hosting, which means your website will load quickly and be safe for visitors. It also comes with extra features to help your website perform better online.

Benefits for different stakeholders

Webflow is designed to be useful for different people: designers, customers, and business owners. Designers will like the easy-to-use design tools. Customers will enjoy visiting fast and easy-to-use websites. Business owners will appreciate being able to create a professional website without needing a lot of technical knowledge.

In short, Webflow is a one-stop shop for creating, designing, and putting your website on the Internet. It's a popular choice for people who want to make a professional website without needing to learn a lot of technical skills.

Why should you use Webflow?

How we use Webflow

Now that we've discussed Webflow's service conceptually, let's delve into our firsthand experience with the company. 

  1. Setting up a Webflow account
  2. Creating the website
  3. Designing
  4. Optimizing the pages
  5. Publishing and maintenance

I. Setting up a Webflow account

Account Setup

Right off the bat, signing up for a Webflow account was super easy. We had the choice of using a work email or Google account for signup. Opting for a paid account initially seemed like the best move to fully experience the platform's capabilities.

One thing to note: if you sign up with a work email, email verification is required, which adds an extra step to the process. But even with this, the setup was surprisingly quick. 

Webflow also offers a free Starter Workspace plan, which is perfect for those just wanting to explore the platform without commitment. This was a nice touch, allowing us to dip our toes in and get a feel for Webflow's environment. 

II. Creating the website

Template selection

Then came the fun part – choosing a template or starting from scratch. 

Choosing a template in Webflow was quite fulfilling. They have lots of cool templates, and it was hard to pick just one! 

We suggest you try to explore the templates because you can pick a ‘pre-built template’ or go with a blank one.

We thought about using a pre-built template that matched our project, but in the end, we decided to start with a blank template. We wanted our website to be really unique and match our own style. 

So, we began building it from scratch, picking out everything we needed by ourselves. Honestly, it was a tough choice because each template had its own charm, but we wanted our site to have its own personality.

Learning the interface

Next up, diving into the Webflow interface. Initially, it felt like learning a new language, but once we got the hang of it, it was pretty intuitive. 

We tried to watch some tutorials, and they were incredibly user-friendly. It felt as if we were able to design a website within minutes.

We spent a good chunk of time exploring different tools and settings, especially in the Designer area. It was crucial for us to know our way around, so we wouldn't be lost later on. It was like mapping out a new city – daunting at first, but exciting once you start recognizing the landmarks.

Project configuration

We carefully chose our site name, figured out the domain stuff, set up basic SEO settings, and decided on global styles. This step was more about strategy and less about creativity. It felt like we were setting the stage for our website's future, making decisions that would impact its growth and visibility.

III. Designing

Designing pages

Here’s where our creativity really kicked in. 

Designing the pages was like painting on a digital canvas. We played around with text, images, buttons, and more, always keeping an eye on how it would look on different devices. Responsive design was key, and we wanted to make sure our site looked amazing whether viewed on a phone or a desktop. 

CMS setup

To include a blog post or a section for regular updates, this was the moment. Setting up the CMS was like organizing a library – deciding where each book (or content piece) would go. 

We created Collections and structured them, which was a bit technical but crucial for keeping our content streamlined. It was a bit like setting up a backstage area for our website's performance.

Adding interactions and elements

Adding interactions and elements to our site was like adding spices to a dish – it brought everything to life! We were amazed at how we could create such cool effects without needing to write a single line of code. It was a game-changer, giving our site that extra zing and making the user experience more engaging.

IV. Optimizing the pages

Integrating third-party tools

This was about boosting our site’s capabilities. 

Integrating tools like email marketing or analytics felt like assembling a team of superheroes, each with its own special power. This step was crucial for our site’s functionality and gave us insights and abilities we wouldn’t have otherwise.

SEO optimization

We carefully crafted meta titles, and descriptions, and made sure our images were optimized. It was a meticulous process, but we knew it was essential for people to find our site organically.

Preview and testing

Testing our site was like rehearsing before a big show. 

We made sure everything looked good, worked well, and provided a smooth experience on all types of devices. It was a bit nerve-wracking, like checking every nook and cranny to ensure everything was perfect.

V. Publishing and maintenance

Publishing the website

Publishing our website was the moment of truth – our digital baby was going live! Connecting the domain and hitting that ‘Publish’ button was thrilling.

It felt like opening the doors to our virtual shop or gallery for the world to see.

Ongoing updates and maintenance

Even after our site was live, the work wasn’t over. Regular updates and maintenance were like tending to a garden, making sure everything was fresh and flourishing. We learned quickly that a website is a dynamic entity, always evolving and growing.

Throughout this journey, it felt like we were on an adventure – learning, creating, and sometimes stumbling, but always moving forward. Building our website on Webflow was a mix of challenges and triumphs, and every step taught us something new about the digital world and about ourselves as creators.

The Good

From our experience, Webflow shines in various areas, making it a strong contender in the website-building landscape.

Easy drag-and-drop

Webflow's drag-and-drop feature is super easy to use. It lets you move elements around your webpage just like moving files on your computer. This feature is perfect for anyone who likes to see their design changes happen in real-time.

No coding required

With Webflow, you don't need to know any programming to build a website. This is great because it means anyone can create a professional-looking site. The platform has advanced options too, but you don't have to use them if you're not comfortable with coding.

Collaborative website building

Webflow supports teamwork in building websites. Multiple people can work on the site at the same time, which speeds up the process. This feature is helpful for projects where designers and content editors need to collaborate.

Automatic backups

One of the cool things about Webflow is that it automatically saves your work. This means you don't have to worry about losing your progress if something goes wrong. It's a big relief knowing that your hard work is safe.

Space for big projects

You can create big websites on Webflow, with up to 100 pages per project. This is great for larger websites that need lots of pages for different content.

No need for plugins

Webflow has many built-in features, so you usually don't need extra plugins. This makes your website more stable and secure, as plugins can sometimes cause problems.

Responsive design

Websites built with Webflow look good on any device, whether it's a computer, tablet, or phone. This is really important today, as people use all kinds of devices to browse the internet.

Fast page loading

Websites made with Webflow load fast. This is good for keeping visitors on your site and helps with search engine rankings, as search engines prefer faster websites.

Flexible pricing

Webflow has different pricing plans to fit everyone's needs. There's even a free plan, which is great for people just starting out. They also have more comprehensive plans for larger businesses and agencies.

The Bad

However, Webflow is not without its drawbacks.

Limited code customizations

Webflow is great for basic website building, but if you want to change a lot of code for more complex features, it might not be enough. This means it's not the best choice for people who need to do really advanced stuff with coding.

No mobile app for editing

One downside of Webflow is that you can't edit your website from a phone or tablet app. All changes need to be done on a computer. This could be inconvenient for those who want to make quick edits while they're on the move.

Confusing pricing plans

Choosing the right plan on Webflow can be tricky because they have a lot of different options. This might make it hard to find the plan that's just right for what you need. Especially for setting up an online store, Webflow is still working on this feature, and it mainly uses Stripe for payments. If Stripe isn't available in your country, this could be a problem for your business.

The Verdict

Alright, let's get real about Webflow. 

Webflow is really cool for making websites. It's easy to use because you can create your website without needing to know coding. You just drag and drop parts where you want them. It's fun and allows you to see your website come to life step by step.

We use Webflow at Embarque because of its simplicity and the ability to collaborate with the team in designing it. We found it incredibly easy to use.

Webflow is also smart. It works well for both beginners and pros. Websites made with Webflow are fast and look good on computers and phones. It feels smooth to use.

About the cost, Webflow is pretty affordable. It has different plans to choose from, which is great because you can find one that fits what you need. Plus, you don't have to worry about extra stuff like plugins.

But Webflow isn't perfect. If you really like to mess with code, you might find it a bit limiting. And there's no app to edit your site on your phone, which isn't ideal if you're always on the go. The pricing plans can be a bit confusing to figure out too.

So, here's the deal: If you love designing and want a strong, secure website without coding, Webflow is great. But if you want to do a lot with code or want something super simple from the start, you might want to look at other options.

Now if you've chosen Webflow as your website-building tool, you're already on a great path. As we mentioned, Webflow offers a flexible and intuitive platform for creating your site. 

But remember, a good tool is only half the journey–the other half is content.

That's where Embarque comes in. We specialize in providing content that can truly elevate your website, making it not just visually appealing, but also engaging and dynamic. With our content expertise, your website is poised to not just attract visitors but to keep them engaged and coming back. 

Our approach to content creation focuses on crafting experiences that resonate with your audience, helping to skyrocket your website's engagement and impact.

Julian Canlas

I’m Julian, one of the co-founders of Embarque, which offers productised SEO content marketing services. I’m an SEO content strategist by trade. My line of work involves creating a top-to-bottom SEO content strategy for brands based on their current needs and how well they’re attracting clients through organic search.

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